Year 12 - yesterday’s presentation on gap years was a useful way to start your thinking. Don’t forget to review the resources we listed in our brochure.
Year 11 and 13 – feel free to come and get a copy of the gap years brochure from the HE Office. You might also be interested in the youtube clips we showed the year 12s in our presentation. The first was from a student at Macquarie University, Australia talking about his gap year and the second was a short video produced by Birmingham University, UK discussing gap years from a university viewpoint.
Speaking of interesting, this article on gap years is another one we came across this week. Also interesting is the clip from the US talk show The Today Show where US university admissions staff discuss what makes an application stand out. Obviously, the discussion is about students applying from within the US. Basically, it’s pretty important to get the best grades you can. And as a general rule, we don’t suggest you do a DVD with a comedy routine to accompany your application!